Monday, September 20, 2010

7th Joint Installation of HSBP and TIGS- GET ILLUMINATED!

Date : 8th September 2010

Venue: Hai Huang Restaurant

Theme: Get Illuminated!

The Interact Club of HSBP & TIGS had organized the 7th Joint Installation on 8th September 2010 which was held at Hai Huang Restaurant. The theme for this year was "Get Illuminated!
" . The hall was filled up with guests at around 6.30pm. , followed by the arrival of Rotarians and teacher advisers from both school. Then, the ceremony was addressed by the Master of Ceremony of the night, Int. Klein Kee, Int. Sherri Low, Int. Lim Wen Qing and Int. Clement Tew.

The ceremony started with the singing of the National Anthem and roll call from Interact Club and Leo Club of various schools. Then , The Rotary President, Pres. Bobby Lim, the New Generation Service, Rtn. Emily Chin and the Rotarian advisor of HSBP, PP Mr. Foo Kok Hing delivered their speeches. The ceremony continued with the speeches from outgoing President from both school, PP. Teo Raymond and PP. Wendy Victoria Vaz.

The most active member of the Interact Club of TIGS, member Koh Jia Yi.

The most active member of the Interact Club of HSBP, member Lim Wee An.

Next, momentoes were given to the outgoing Board of Directors and souvenirs were also given to the Rotarians, teacher advisors, sponsors and the most active member of both clubs. The ceremony was continued with the presentation of badges to the incoming Board of Directors 2010/2011 of both schools. Then the oath taking was led by the Presidents of Interact Club HSBP and TIGS, Tan Jing Xiang and Jane Lim Min Li, followed by the singing of Interact Song.

On that night, various performances were performed such as fashion shows (In Wedding and Rocker style), dance performances by committees and verxus dance studio, Magic show, Light Performance, singing from Int. Wendy Victoria Vaz & the active member of TIGS, Koh Jia Yi.

The 1st dance performance by committee members.

The 2nd committee dance group led by Int. Kek Boon How.

Special light dance by the committee members, Int. Marcus Mok, Int. Lee Wen Qing and Int. Teh Zhi Cheng.

The wonderful magic show performed by the past president of HSBP, PP Tan Kah Yee.

Int. Kenneth Koe, Koh Jia Yi and PP Wendy’s singing performance :)


Wedding and Hawaii style fashion show by committees

Posing* ;)

The Rocker style fashion show by committees.

On the whole, it was really a very successful and memorable night for everyone especially the organizing committees as they had put in a lot of efforts to make sure that the ceremony run smoothly.Every guests were given a goodies bag and as a token of appreciation before they left. The committee members took some photos for remembrance of that wonderful night.

Presidents of Interact Club HSBP & TIGS, Int. Tan Jing Xiang and Int. Jane Lim Min Li.

We, the organizing committee wholeheartedly thank to everyone for their contribution that had made this installation a success.

That's all.



xoxo, we can, we care, we share.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Attention!! -[7th Joint Installation of HSBP & TIGS]-

The 7th Joint Installation of HSBP & TIGS
will be held on 8/9/2010 (wednesday), 6pm
attire: Formal
Theme: Get Illuminated!

Why 'Get Illuminated'?
it means-

To provide intellectual or spiritual enlightenment and understanding & to provide or brighten with light.

Interact Club: Service Above Self:

To help and serve the helpless- to light up their spirit and life- to give them hope to survive.


Lotsa interesting and creative performances waiting for you guys,

and Goodiess bagss with lotsa yummy tib-bits will be given to all of you!

So Whatcha waiting for?

Go grab a ticket of RM6 only and rock your day!

We Can, We Care, We Share.