Time : 9am
Date : 27 Feb 2010
Venue : SMK(P)TI
Orientation of 2010 . 'We Can, We Care, We Share '
On that day, all the club members were asked to register themselves. After the registration, the Master of Ceremony, Int. How Shin Lei and Int. Lim Ze-yuin had requested everyone to gather.Our teacher advisor, Miss Lam had also given her speech. The orientation began with the slide show prepared by Int. Nur Alia and Int. Lai Yong Jun . The ceremony continued with the singing of Interact Song.Around 11am, all members were divided into groups and started to play the games prepared by the commitees. Souvenirs were also given . The activity ended at 12.30pm.
Organising Chairman, Int. Lim Syruu & VOC, Int. Lee Wen Qing

The Master of Ceremony- Int. How Shin Lei and Int. Lim Ze-yuin
Singing Interact song^^

Speech given by Miss Lam....

Commitees and members playing games together....

Committees smiling happily after splashing water at members! haha!

* Member Nicole enjoy playing games!*


Participants finding their *treasure* in the drain!

Group photo before we end our orientation =]